Fish farming

fish farming business

Fish farming-

In India, where almost 60 percent of the population prefers consuming fisheries and fish products, fish farming can definitely be considered as one of the most profitable businesses. The term fish farming had originated from the Agrarian language. The moment you need to get stared with this business you need to have access to fresh flowing water system like a river.

fish farming business
fish farming business

India is a country that has numerous water system, including sea, oceans, lakes, rivers and ponds. Without access to any of the above mentioned water system, it is not possible to get started with this system. You need to try and construct an artificial lake or pond system, generally termed as tank that can be used to hold fish in it. You can fill it with water and fish can be kept inside it. Apart from this you also need to get familiar with other set of information related to this business.

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Why the need for fish farming?

  • One of the most important reasons for getting started with fish farming business is that fish is in great demand not in India but also in other parts of the world.
  • One of the main reasons is that more number of people prefers eating fish and fish products as compared to other meat or animal products. There is much higher demand of fish as source of food due to vitamins and proteins.
  • Within the national and international platform the demand for fish market is also on rise in present time. As per the increasing demand and shortage of supply chain it is obvious that more number of people are shifting towards fish farming as modern traditions.
  • In present time people started to farm fish in small and big tanks at their farm lands or small room. This step has also been taken as there is shortage in supply of certain edible fish in the sea, ocean, and rivers. This is one of the main reasons why more number of people are stepping forward for setting up fish farms.

What is fish farming?

  • Fish farming is the art or technique of breeding fish and taking care of them till they grow and reproduce and maintaining their growing number in the ponds or tanks.
  • Fish farmers have to take care of fish and their number and also take care that they grow in size so they can be sold in the market for profitable price.
  • Apart from this fish farm is a business that also offers you with over ten times more profits as compared to start up amount.


  • Right spot or place to select for fish farming
  • It is important to make the right selection of the place for constructing fish pond or tank. It is important to maintain right temperature and conditions for breeding fish.
  • You need to keep in mind that temperature plays a major role in growth of growth cycle of the fish as during winter seasons fish do not grow much in size
  • So it is important to try and construct the fish pond or tank before winter seasons so you can get started with breeding fish in the pond during summer seasons.

Yo can read detail eBook-

fish farming business
fish farming business
fish farming business
fish farming business

in this eBook there topic will be cover –

Table of Contents –

  • Why the need for fish farming?
  • What is fish farming?
  • Getting started with fish farming process
  • Right spot or place to select for fish farming
  • Process for design and construction of fish pond
  • Fish feeds
  • What fish to breed in the farm?
  • Maintenance process
  • Maintaining water condition
  • Equipment s required for Fish Farming
  • Where to purchase materials?
  • How to purchase water testing equipments
  • Types and variants of fish farming
  • Benefits of fish farm
  • How to get license?
  • Residential fish farm
  • Large and small scale farms
  • Market
  • Packing
  • Cost factor for start up
  • Profit margin
  • fish farming business
    fish farming business


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